Three Counties Cross Country League


The duties and responsibilities of officials involved in the running of the league.

Name Duties
League Administator

Prior to the first race of the new season

  1. Arrange and advise all Club Representatives of a pre-season meeting at least four weeks before the 1st race is due to take place. Publish an Agenda and chair the meeting usually held at Bedford Stadium, the room should be booked via Bedford Harriers.
  2. Update and publish Club Contacts list. Establish which clubs are happy to communicate electronically and which require hard copies of results etc.
  3. Send out League Registration Forms for the clubs to register their runners well in advance of the first race.
  4. When these registration forms are completed transfer the runners name, sex ,club and date of birth onto the League Race Programme.
  5. Order enough race numbers to cover the runners entering, plus sufficient spares.
  6. Allocate numbers to clubs based on numbers used the previous year, record on the League Race Programme the numbers allocated and send allocated numbers to the Club Representatives.
  7. Provide the Club Representatives with access to: New Registration Sheets for allocation of new race numbers, Guest Registration Sheets , Scoring Sheets to record Scoring Positions and OtherFinishing Positions. Take plenty of extra forms to the races.
  8. Collect the clubs subscriptions and record league expenses.
  9. Pass on details of Venues etc to Club Representatives prior to each race. Ensure this includes the Website Administrator.

At the race

  1. Be visible so that the Club Representatives know where you are to receive New Registration Sheets or Guest Registration Sheets prior to the race.
  2. Collect the complete list of runners in funnel order using the Recording Sheet .
  3. After the race gather the Scoring Position and Other Finishing Position completed sheets from the Club Representatives.
  4. From the Scoring Position forms work out the provisional results and announce them in reverse order. Thank host club for organising the race.

After the race

  1. Enter any spare New Registrations or Guest Registrations into the League Race Programme.
  2. Using the full set of Recording Sheets obtained from the host club enter the results onto the League Race Programme and calculate a full set of results. Use the Scoring Position and Other Finishing Position sheets to try to resolve and discrepancies.
  3. Publish the results on the League Website and send to the Club Representatives.

At the end of the season

  1. Order trophies suitably engraved in time for presentation at the last race.
  2. Arrange an end of season meeting to establish next season's venues and League Administrator
  3. Hand over administration and league funds to next season's administrator.
Hosting Club
  1. Organise the race in accordance with ARC rules. Ensure ARC license. Provide Marshalls and recorders at the finish.
  2. Hand out barcoded place tags at finish.
  3. Provide refreshments for which the clubs will pay the appropriate fee per runner competing.
Club Representatives

Prior to the first race of the season

  1. Obtain names, sex, date of birth of all runners wishing to compete in the league.
  2. Complete a League Registration Forms and pass back to League Administrator at least three weeks before the first race.
  3. Pay league administration fee to League Administrator before or at the first race.
  4. Once received hand out running numbers to your runners.
  5. Ensure you have all the Scoring Sheets and New Registration Sheets before the first race.

Prior to each race

  1. The week prior to the race advise the host club of the number of runners from your club expected to compete at that race to help them to provide the right amount of refreshments.
  2. Pass information onto your runners regarding venues, results etc.
  3. Note that this information is on the Three Counties XC Website at

At the race

  1. Fill out any New Registration Sheets for any of your runners not pre registered and hand into the League Administrator before the start of the race. 1000 time cut-off.
  2. At the finish collect finish order tickets from your runners and list their number, name, position and category on the Scoring Position and Other Finishing Position sheets.
  3. Hand the Scoring Position sheets into the League Administrator as soon as possible so they can calculate the provisional results and let them have the Other Finishing Position sheets before you go.


Last Updated: 18 03 24